Sunday 22 February 2015



Are the cables or cases of your probes chemically deteriorating?

This is often recognisable by a strong yellow tinge.

This will often soon lead to cracking and damage.

Let us restore your probes to their former glory.

This low cost procedure can save you from expensive repairs in the future. Talk to us today.

Sunday 15 February 2015

Radiation Professionals - Australia

Radiation Professionals - Australia

Radiation Professionals
Radiation Professionals specialise in radiation safety in the Petroleum, mining and general industry sectors. We offer complete and effective solutions to the unique challenges faced by businesses operating...

 Radiation Management Plans (RMP)
 Radiation Surveys - Environmental, Occupational, General
 Courses for all levels of Radiation Safety Training
 Regular auditing of a sites Radiation Safety Practices
 Radiation dosimetry
 Equipment Sales and Leasing
 Compliance testing of industrial radiation gauges
 Testing of Lasers, EMF, and other non-ionising radiations
 Licensed transport services